Greidel! Greidel! Greidel! We made him out of coroplast!
What do you get when you combine one of the great Hanukkah traditions with one of Philly’s most beloved mascots? The Greidel! Designed by our Building Heroes and made from reclaimed 2020 election campaign signs, the Greidel is a playful way to celebrate Hanukkah while showing love for your favorite Philly mascot. This decorative object is perfect for your mantel, can be hung around the home, or even your rearview mirror. L’Chaim!
Like every product we sell, the Greidel is created by Building Heroes ages 14-75 and represents an opportunity for them to earn and learn 21st century design, fabrication, leadership, and entrepreneurship skills.
Size: 5 ⅜” h x 3 ⅝” w x 3 ⅝” d
Material: Reclaimed corrugated plastic campaign signs